Practice --> Part 5: Incomplete Sentences

Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

1. The restaurant on Main Street offers a wide selection of gourmet desserts ............... several regions of the world.
A. with
B. by
C. from
D. until
  A. With shows that one thing accompanies another, for example when we say "I'd like chocolate sauce with my ice-cream." That is not the case here.
  B. By is used to indicate who or what performed an action. Regions of the world did not perform an action here.
  C. The preposition from is used here to talk about the origin of something, in this case the desserts.
  D. Until is a preposition of time. A preposition of space is needed here.

2. ............... interested in viewing an apartment should contact the property manager to arrange an appointment.
A. This
B. Those
C. These
D. That
  A. This is a singular pronoun and is used to refer to a particular thing or person, so it is incorrect here.
  B. The demonstrative pronoun those should be used here to mean any people.
  C. These is incorrect here because it is used to refer to particular people.
  D. That is singular. The sentence is directed at more than one person.
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