Vocabulary --> General Business --> Conferences --> Word to practice

Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

All conference facilities need to provide reasonable accommodation for people with
disabilities. Disabled individuals need to be able to take part in every
session that is being offered. In case a session is held in an off-site
location, we are not responsible for providing accommodation. But for any event
held at our facility, we need to make the necessary arrangements for disabled
participants. Most areas of our facility are handicapped accessible, but in
some situations we need to make further accommodations. For example, conference
planners are asked to get in touch with us ahead of time if any attendees will
require special interpreters for the hearing impaired. To facilitate this,
conference planners usually ask attendees to request interpreters at the time
that they register for the conference.

1. Where are the speakers?
A. Off site.
B. t a convention center.
C. At a party.
D. In a hospital.
2. How should attendees request a special interpreter?
A. By registering ahead of the other attendees.
B. By asking for one at the time of registration.
C. By getting in touch with the head of the facility.
D. By requesting one when they arrive at a session.
3. What is the topic of the talk?
A. Preparing convention catalogs.
B. Legal responsibility for off-site events.
C. Arranging conferences.
D. Accommodating disabled people.
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