Vocabulary --> Financing and Budgeting --> Investments --> Word to practice

Listen to the dialogue. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

M In order to minimize risk, investors should maintain a diverse portfolio by putting their money in various industry investments.
W You mean we should invest in natural resources as well as in manufacturing industries?
M Perhaps. Unless you are very aggressive, you don′t want to put all your eggs in one basket. In fact, I have made close to a million dollars in the past ten years by following the strategy of maintaining a diverse portfolio.
W That′s quite impressive. You know, I was thinking of pulling all my money out of the stock market, but now I think I′ll stay in and follow your advice.

1. How much money has the man made through his investments?
A. Five million dollars.
B. Two million dollars.
C. Ten million dollars.
D. One million dollars.
2. What does the man recommend?
A. Investing mainly in natural resources.
B. Investing in the basket industry.
C. Investing aggressively.
D. Investing in various industries.
3. What will the woman do?
A. Follow the man's investment strategy.
B. Take her money out of the stock market.
C. Hire an investment advisor.
D. Start a marketing business.
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