Vocabulary --> Management Issues --> Board Meetings and Committees --> Word to practice

Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

In order to keep everyone from feeling that this meeting is a waste of time, I′ve developed the following guidelines. Please adhere to them. One: Please discuss only the items on the agenda. This is not the time to bring up irrelevant or personal matters. Two: Please do not make unnecessarily lengthy speeches. Make your point as quickly and clearly as possible. Three: My goal is to conclude this meeting by four thirty. We will be able to do this if we all follow the guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. What is this talk about?
A. How to have a better staff meeting.
B. How to develop guidelines.
C. How to make speeches.
D. How to write an agenda.
2. What will happen at 4:30?
A. Goals will be discussed.
B. Guidelines will be presented.
C. The meeting will end.
D. A new item will be introduced.
3. What are the listeners asked to do?
A. Follow the agenda.
B. Make long speeches.
C. Discuss personal matters.
D. Bring something to the meeting.
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