Vocabulary --> Travel --> Airlines --> Word to practice

Listen to the dialogue. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

M The airfares to Australia are quite expensive, and I know you need to economize. Let me see what I can do to get you a better airfare.
W I′ll really need a substantial discount to make my trip possible.
M I understand your situation. Now, if you are willing to change your destination and fly into Melbourne rather than Sydney, that would save you some money. And if you extend your trip by just two days, I think I can work out a really good fare for you.
W Fine, fine. The only important thing is that I need to arrive by next Sunday.

1. When does the woman want to arrive?
A. Monday.
B. Tuesday.
C. Wednesday.
D. Sunday.
2. What are the speakers discussing?
A. The quality of the airline.
B. The length of the trip.
C. The cost of the ticket.
D. The schedule of the airline.
3. How can the woman get a lower airfare?
A. By flying to a different city.
B. By staying for just two days.
C. By changing the day of her arrival.
D. By charging it as a work expense.
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