Vocabulary --> Office Issues --> Electronics --> Word to learn

Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used.


[M]  Having computers installed is nothing short of a revolution in this office.

[W] Yes, now we can replace all those typewriters that we hate to use.

[M]  Good. Once the boss sees how computers facilitate our work, he'll wonder why we didn't start using them years ago.


[W] Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to retrieve this file.

[M]  Are you looking on just your own computer, or have you looked on our office's network of computers.

[W] I'm afraid I don't know which directory the file might be stored in.


[W] This new software is revolutionary. It allows me to search all files for the names and addresses of clients and print them out.

[M]  What is the process for doing that?

[W] It has a lot of technicalities only a programmer would understand, but simply stated, the disk can store an amazing amount of information.


[M]  Do you stock floppy disks that I can use to store my data files?

[W] Their use has declined sharply as high-capacity disks have come onto the market, so I'm afraid we don't keep them in stock anymore.

[M]  I didn't realize that they were no longer popular.