Vocabulary --> Management Issues --> Property and Departments --> Word to learn

Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used.


[M]      What do you think about the plans for the new office lobby?

[W]      I've spent a lot of time scrutinizing them and I'm quite pleased.

[M]       I hope they're more conducive to conversation than is our current lobby.


[M]       It was so inconsiderate of the marketing department to have a party in the middle of the afternoon.

[W]      Unfortunately, your meeting was the one most hampered by the noise.

[M]       I was glad their director told them that they were too disruptive and had to stop.


[M] How is the collaboration between the shipping and production departments progressing?

[W] There were some initial difficulties, but overall both departments have been very open to working more closely together.

[M] They really have concentrated on setting and reaching their goals.


[M] Whoever opts for that office will be responsible for the cleaning crew.

[W] Is that the reward for moving up?

[M] No, but that person will be adjacent to all the supplies and the time clocks.